Tuition 2025-2026
At Christian Hills, your child will discover his or her God-given potential, make lifelong friends, learn to serve, and graduate ready to make a difference in the community. While this will require the investment of your financial resources, we believe you will see that this is a worthy investment in your child.
Grade# of DaysTuition Cost
Preschool 3yr
Preschool 3yrs3 Half Days$4,800
Preschool 3yrs3 Full Days$5,800
Preschool 3yrs5 Full Days$6,700
Preschool 4yr
Preschool 4yrs5 Half Days$5,800
Preschool 4yrs5 Full Days$6,700
Kindergarten - 8th
Kindergarten - 8th5 Full Days$7,000
3 Day Preschool is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Half-days are from 8:25 am - 11:30 am
Full days are from 8:25 am - 3:22 pm
- First child (oldest) pays FULL tuition
- Second child receives a 15% discount
- Third child receives a 25% discount
- Fourth child receives 35% discount
Payment Options
- Early Pay-off: Pay in full by July 7, 2025, and receive a 2% discount
- 2 Semester Payments: Pay two equal payments to FACTS during new school year as follows: July 10, 2025 and Dec. 10, 2025
If you pay in full or in two semester halves, you will receive $50 off your tuition. - Monthly Payments:
- 10 Monthly Payments to FACTS (July-April) if you enroll by June 30th
- 9 Monthly Payments to FACTS (August-April) if you enroll by July 31st
Fundraising Tuition Credit
The school will have two major fundraisers during the school year.
Parents who participate in these fundraisers will earn a rebate on their
tuition in the amount of the profit the school makes on their sales up to
$400 per child.
Tuition covers the general cost for faculty, facilities management, and administrative support. It also covers standardized testing.
Optional fees such as: hot lunch, field trips, gym clothes (4th - 8th) or activity fees are not included. This is not an exhaustive list.