Middle School
Curriculum Overview
By the time our students reach middle school, they have
already become proficient in concrete and foundational studies. Our middle school students now take on a leadership role in
their studies.
They continue their own applicational study of God's Word,
but are now moving into a mentor roll as they help to disciple
younger students. Our academic studies continue to be
application based.
In middle school our students begin preparing for high
school. Our goal is that through our foundational curriculum
our middle school students enter into high school prepared at
grade level or above. We do this by being aware of high school
level curriculum and staying current in our methods of teaching.
Our middle school students are tackling pre-high and high
school level studies as part of our everyday curriculum. Many
of our graduating middle schoolers enter high school classes at
an advanced placement level.
Additional Enhancement Courses
All elementary students participate in music class during the week. Music consists of singing, playing, listening, moving and analyzing. They also develop musical skills at age appropriate levels while gaining an understanding of music in relationship to other arts, history and culture. The students also participate in 2 musical performances throughout the year to showcase what they have learned in the classroom.
The students are learning about great artists, experiencing a variety of mediums, and developing skills of ability and expression all for the glory of God.
Physical Education
The students work on caring for their bodies, through training, and developing their physical abilities, as a valuable gift from God. This also includes learning to work as a team and follow directions.
The students are taught to appreciate literature by listening and observing as books are read to them. They are taught how to take care of books and introduced to authors and illustrators. It also serves as a gateway of information for students, providing support to instruction and literacy development in the information age.
Students learn to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible. They also learn keyboarding: Proper hand placement, accuracy, and speed, muscle memory, and posture when keyboarding. Digital Citizenship is also taught. This is what it means to leave a digital footprint, how to recognize and engage only in safe and healthy social media posts, how to recognize the difference between a legitimate website and a fake, and the dangers of not knowing the difference.
Students are taught how to use Microsoft 365 and Google products. They are introduced to computer graphics. Students are also taught how to navigate a local network. They are taught to understand the consequences of sharing personal data (their own and others information).
Practical applications are taught using various programs and applications (through Google's Applied Digital Skills tutorials). They will also be working on website storyboarding and building. -
Language comes naturally to everyone, as beings created in God's image, we have a unique capacity to communicate through language. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. God desires that people from all languages become part of his kingdom (Rev 5:9). One of the best ways Christians can demonstrate Christ's love is to communicate with people in their native language.
Have you ever met someone who has stated, "I took Spanish four years in high school, but I can't speak it." Science has shown that the process of acquiring our first language actually begins prior to birth. God has designed us to begin hearing sounds and acquiring them from the earliest stages of our lives.
There are so many benefits for children to learn a new language at an early age. First, it is easier than trying to learn it later. It stimulates the child's curiosity and helps boost their cognitive development which helps their overall academic progress. It tends to display more empathy toward others and more receptive to other cultures.
The curriculum used is Christian based and has been designed to help students focus on proper development. The texts are organized into units dealing with school, home, community and world.
Each unit provide students with level-appropriate vocabulary. All activities include practice pronunciation and word formation. Culture is an important part of the lessons as well. Students will develop their ability to think critically from a biblical perspective on cultural issues in the Hispanic world, and they will be continually reminded that studying Spanish is one the many ways that they can fulfill the biblical mandate to love God and others.
To help support the students' learning, they participate in activities in an enjoyable atmosphere. Projects and the use of technology are provided to middle school students.
These specialized areas of instruction are an integral part of the curriculum and development of our students.